Dr. Ines Drefs
Program Director MEDAS 21
- seit 10/2023: Research Project Manager, Policy and Learning, Deutsche Welle Akademie
- 10/2019 – 09/2022: Postdoktorandin und wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführerin des Forschungskollegs MEDAS 21, Erich-Brost-Institut
- 04/2018 – 09/2019: ZBW - Referentin, GO FAIR Support and Coordination Office, Leibniz Informationszentrum Wirtschaft
- 01/2012 – 03/2019: Promotion (Dr. phil.), Universität Hamburg, Graduate School Media and Communication, Titel: „Usage Practices and Democratic Relevance of Journalism in the Social Web. A Multiple Case Study in German International Broadcasting“
- 02/2017 – 05/2017: Externe Gutachterin, Deutsche Welle Akademie, BMZ-Projekt „Journalismusförderung Mongolei“
- 09/2014 – 02/2017: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, EU-Projekt „Media, Conflict and Democratisation“
- 1/2012 – 9/2014: Promotionsstipendiatin im Forschungskolleg „Medienpolitik im internationalen Vergleich” der TU Chemnitz, der Hochschule Mittweida und der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung
- 12/2009 – 06/2011: Corporate Communications Trainee, Jacobs University gGmbH, Bremen
- 09/2007 – 11/2009: Master of Arts, Dänische Journalistenhochschule / Universität Århus, Dänemark (1. Semester); Universität Amsterdam, Niederlande (2. Semester); Universität Hamburg, Deutschland (3. und 4. Semester), Erasmus Mundus Master-Programm: “Journalism and Media within Globalisation: The European Perspective”
- 10/2004 – 08/2007: Bachelor of Arts, Universität Erfurt, Hauptfach: Kommunikationswissenschaft, Nebenfach: Staatwissenschaften - Sozialwissenschaft
- 08/2005 – 01/2006: ASEM-DUO Fellowship, Yonsei University Seoul, Südkorea
- 07/1996 – 07/2003: Abitur, Grotefend Gymnasium, Hann. Münden
Medienentwicklungszusammenarbeit (aktuelles Projekt), Medien und Demokratisierung, Journalismusforschung und Deliberationsforschung
- Drefs, I. (2022). Onsite actors’ agency within international media development. Global Media Journal – German Edition, 12(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.22032/dbt.55516
- Drefs, I. (2022). Explaining contemporary media development practice: Building blocks for an analytical framework based on organizational institutionalism. Journal of Applied Media Studies, 10(2).
- Drefs, Ines (2021). A Chance for Dialogical Journalism? Social Web Practices and Handling of User Comments at Deutsche Welle. Berlin: Digital Communication Research. doi:10.48541/dcr.v7.0
- Monika Linne; Ines Drefs; Nora Dörrenbächer; Pascal Siegers; Mathias Bug (2021): GO FAIR und GO CHANGE: Chancen für das deutsche Wissenschaftssystem. In: Praxishandbuch Forschungsdatenmanagement. Hrsg. von Putnings, M., Neuroth, H., und Neumann, J. (2021). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur. doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110657807
- Drefs, Ines (2020): Grüne, Anne/Hafez, Kai/Priyadharma, Subekti/Schmidt, Sabrina (eds.): Media and transformation in Germany and Indonesia: asymmetrical comparisons and perspectives. Book review. Publizistik (2020). Download hier
- Thomaß, Barbara; Drefs, Ines (2020): The Role of International Non-governmental Organisations. In: Journalism and Journalism Education in Developing Countries. Hrsg. von Beate Illg und Beatrice Dernbach. Manipal Universal Press.
- Drefs, Ines; Thomaß, Barabara (2019): The Participation Approach in Media Development Cooperation. In: Media, Communication and the Struggle for Democratic Change. Case Studies on Contested Transitions. Hrsg. von Katrin Voltmer et. al. Palgrave.
- Drefs, Ines / Linne, Monika / Tochtermann, Klaus (2018): FAIRe Forschung. Wie Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken den Herausforderungen von Open Science begegnen. In: BuB - Forum Bibliothek und Information, 70 (11): 636-639. ISSN 1869 -1137 Download hier
- Drefs, Ines; Thomaß, Barbara (2017): Communication and Conflict in Transitional Societies – Integrating Media and Communication in Development Cooperation. Policy Brief. MeCoDEM Working Papers. Download hier
- Drefs, Ines; Thomaß, Barbara (2016): Media Development From A New Angle. DW Akademie Gastbeitrag. http://www.dw.com/en/media-development-from-a-new-angle/a-36230886
- Drefs, Ines; Thomaß, Barbara (2016): Supporting Journalism in Conflict Societies. Policy Brief. MeCoDEM Working Papers. Download hier
- Drefs, Ines; Thomaß, Barbara (2015): Literature Review: Research Findings About Organisations Engaging in Media Assistance in the Fields of Journalism Training, Civil Society Support, and Good Governance. MeCoDEM Working Papers. Download hier
- Drefs, Ines (2014): „Ten Years That Shook the Media World: Big Questions and Big Trends in International Media Developments“. Book Review. Digital Journalism 2 (1): 121–23. doi:10.1080/21670811.2013.820062.
- 19.11.2021: "How important is trust in media development partnerships and what is it important for? First insights from interviews and an online survey with local partners", Vortrag, FoME Symposium 2021, Berlin
- 09.09.2021: "International media development: Modelling the practices of funders, intermediary organisations and local partners based on organizational institutionalism", Vortrag (peer-reviewed), 8th European Communication Conference, digital
- 11-15.07.2021: "Local ownership of notions of ethics, communication and democracy in partnerships of international media development", Vortrag (peer-reviewed), IAMCR 2021, digital
- 11.11.2020: „Between local contexts and international standards: Modelling the practices of media development actors based on structuration theory", Vortrag (peer-reviewed), 8. Konferenz „Comparative Media Studies in Today‘s World“, St. Petersburg (digital).
- 7.3.2019: „Making Online Research Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR)”, Posterpräsentation (peer-reviewed), 21st General Online Research Conference (GOR), Köln
- 9.10.2018: „The GO FAIR approach: Building a federated environment for scientific data sharing and re-use based on Implementation Networks”, Posterpräsentation (peer-reviewed), Digital Infrastructures for Research (DI4R) 2018, Lissabon
- 18.05.2017: „Moderne Medienentwicklungszusammenarbeit – Perspektiven aus Empirie und Praxis”, Gastvortrag, Seminar “Entwicklungskommunikation – Kommunikation für sozialen Wandel” (Dr. Kefa Hamidi), Universität Leipzig
- 04.11.2016: „Facing ethical dilemmas: Journalists and media development actors in conflict societies“, Podiumsdiskussion, Symposium des Forum Medien und Entwicklung (FoME), Berlin
- 22.09.2016. „Funding Trends”, Vortrag, World Forum for Media Development (GFMD), Jakarta
- 27.07.2016: „Development Cooperation in Conflict Societies: The Role of Media Assistance Organisations” (mit Barbara Thomaß), Vortrag (peer-reviewed), 24th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Poznan
- 25.07.2016: „Democratic Relevance of Social Web Commentary: Citizens’ Response to Journalistic News Coverage”, Vortrag (peer-reviewed), 24th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Poznan
- 04.12.2015: „International Media Development in Conflict Societies”, Vortrag, Workshop “Media, Conflict and Democratisation”, Universität Belgrad
- 03.06.2015: „Journalists in Touch with the Audience. Insights from a Case Study in International Broadcasting”, Vortrag, Trainingsworkshop „Ombudsleute in Tunesien”, Erich-Brost-Institut, Tunis
- 05.11.2014: „Democratic Relevance of Journalism in the Social Web: Journalistic Handling of User Communication”, Vortrag (peer-reviewed), 5th European Communication Conference (ECREA), Lissabon
- 01.09.2014: „Overtrolled and underliked? Journalismus im Umgang mit Social Web-Kommentaren”, Fachforum Medien der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung “Journalismus zwischen den Wogen der Datenflut”, Hamburg
- 24.05.2014: „Journalistic Social Web Communication: A Theoretical and Methodological Proposal for Analyzing Democratic Potential”, Vortrag (peer-reviewed), International Communication Association (ICA), 64th Annual Conference, Seattle
- 28.06.2013: „Professional Social Web Usage – Analyzing Journalism Practice in a Digital Environment”, Vortrag (peer-reviewed) International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Dublin