Carolin Lindekamp (M.A.)
PhD-fellow and project assistant
- currently SIIC PhD Fellow: <<The reflective journalist: Effects of media accountability on journalists’ professional identity in the Maghreb. A qualitative study in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia>>
- 2005 – 2012 Master at the Institute of Journalism Dortmund (stipend of the Land NRW)
- 2012 Master thesis about media self-regulation in France: “Schiedsrichter ohne Pfeife – Chancen und Grenzen der Metaberichterstattung für politischen Journalismus in Frankreich“
Experience in academia and project work
- 2016 assistance ombudsman project in Tunisia
- 2015 project management of Beyond Your World Tanzania in cooperation with Deutsche Welle Academy (seminar and organization of research trip in Tanzania)
- 2014 co-organization of the media development project MediaLab CampusXchange Ghana with GIZ and IfJ (seminar and program management)
- 2009 – 2013 project staff member at Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, e.g. DGPuK, MediaAcT, European Journalism Observatory and ERASMUS
- 2006 – 2012 student assistance and tutoring at the Institute of Literature and the Institute of Journalism at Technical University Dortmund
Work experience as a journalist
- since 2011 regular assignments at Handelsblatt Online, freelancing for Wirtschaftswoche Online, t3n magazin
- 2007/2008 one year full-time journalistic training at regional daily "Neue Westfälische"
- 2003 – 2014 internships in different fields of media e.g. with the public broadcaster WDR, local radio stations or news agency dpa; freelancing for ceveral newspapers
International experience
- 2015 Two months research trip to Myanmar during election Nov. 2015 (stipend of Heinz-Kühn-Stiftung)
- 2010 Trainee with the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Consulate General in Toronto, Canada (DAAD stipend)
- 2006 – 2014 Study and research trips to France, St. Petersburg, Cairo, Tanzania, Ghana, Brazil, Brussels, Warsaw, Oslo and Romania
- 2004 Intern at daily newspaper “Christchurch Star”, New Zealand
- 2002 and 2008 School (Lycée Jules Verne Nantes) and university exchange (IUT Tours) in France (both funded with a stipend)