Dominik Speck

Research Assistant

Research Focus

Public Service Media, Media Accountability and Transparency in global perspective, Foreign Coverage, International Reporting on Migration and Forced Displacement

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since January 2018 Research Assistant at the Institute of Journalism (Chair for International Journalism) and Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator
  • March 2021-January 2024 Research assistant in the project NEWSREEL2 - New Teaching Fields for the Next Generation of Journalists, funded by Erasmus+, Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism
  • Since January 2024 Newsletter Editor of the International Association of Public Media Researchers (IAPMR)
  • Since September 2014 freelance journalist, e.g. for media trade service epd medien
  • Since 2021 Member of the preselection jury, Robert Geisendörfer Preis
  • February 2020-January 2021 Visiting Researcher, Media Intelligence Service, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Geneva
  • December 2017 Master of Arts in Journalism (Thesis: "Between Professional Autonomy, Public Responsibility and State Interference. Media Accountability in Myanmar's Transitional Media System")
  • October 2016 Bachelor of Arts in Journalism (Thesis: "Der Rockstar-Finanzminister. Die Berichterstattung über den ehemaligen griechischen Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis in deutschen und französischen Qualitätszeitungen")
  • February 2015-November 2017 Student Assistant at the Institute of Journalism
  • September 2014 to February 2015 Erasmus+ exchange semester at Istanbul Bilgi University
  • September 2013 to August 2014 Editorial trainee at news agency Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd)
  • October 2011 to October 2016 Journalism studies (major) and political science (minor) at TU Dortmund University and Ruhr University Bochum


  • Speck, D. (forthcoming). Shedding light on Public Service Media politics of disclosure: A framework for assessing public broadcasters and transparency. In M. Vaz-Álvarez, A. G. Frazao-Nogueira & M. Túñez-López (Eds.), The Public Value Blueprint: Designing a New Public Service Media in the Digital Context. Springer.
  • Speck, D. (2023): Enabling visibility: Online transparency practices of German public service media organisations. In Puppis, M., & Ali, C. (Eds.), Public service media’s contribution to society: RIPE@2021. Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. URL
  • Bettels-Schwabbauer, T., Leihs, N., Maksa, G., Speck, D., & Torbó, A. (Eds.) (2022): New Skills for Journalists. Comparative Perspectives from Europe. Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület.
  • EBU (2022). Trust in Public Service Media. URL
  • EBU (2022). Trust in Media 2022. URL
  • Speck, D. (2022): Öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk und Demokratie in Europa. Ergebnisse der EBU-Studie Public Service Media and Democracy [Public Broadcasting and Democracy in Europe. Results of the EBU study Public Service Media and Democracy]. Media Perspektiven 5/2022, 265-276. URL
  • Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., Karmasin, M., Barthel, S., & Speck, D. (2022): Media accountability: A global perspective. In: Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., & Karmasin, M. (Eds): The Global Handbook of Media Accountability, 3-58. Routledge
  • Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., Karmasin, M., Barthel, S., & Speck, D. (2022): Summary of Country Chapters. In: Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., & Karmasin, M. (Eds): The Global Handbook of Media Accountability, 525-558. Routledge
  • Speck, D., Kurkowski, I., & Zayar Hlaing (2022): Myanmar: Potential diversity, unfulfilled hopes. In: Fengler, S., Eberwein, T., & Karmasin, M. (Eds): The Global Handbook of Media Accountability, 408-417. Routledge
  • EBU (2021). Democracy and Public Service Media. URL
  • EBU (2021). Trust in Media 2021. URL
  • Fengler, S., Speck, D., Bastian, M. & Pies, J. (2021): Blind Spots. Shedding Light on Media Transparency Research Across World Regions. In: Berger, S., Fengler, S., Owetschkin, D. & Sittmann, J. (Eds): Transparency and Society – Between Promise and Peril, 93-108. Routledge.
  • EBU (2020). Trust in Media 2020. URL
  • Speck, D. (2019): Öffentliche Anteilnahme ermöglichen. Transparenz, Aufsicht und öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunk in Deutschland. Expertise im Auftrag des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB). [Enabling Public Participation. Transparency, Supervision and Public Service Broadcasting in Germany.] Expertise commissioned by the German Trade Union Confederation (DGB). URL. Also published in in epd medien 24/2020.
  • Fengler, S. & Speck, D. (2019): Journalism and Transparency: A Mass Communications Perspective. In: Berger S. & Owetschkin D. (Eds): Contested Transparencies, Social Movements and the Public Sphere. Palgrave Studies in the History of Social Movements, 119-149. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Speck, D. (2018): Die Gatekeeper sind weg - Eine Welt ohne Journalismus [The Gatekeepers Are Gone - A World Without Journalism]. In: Steinbrecher, M. & Rager, G. (Eds.): Wenn Maschinen Meinung Machen. Journalismuskrise, Social Bots und der Angriff auf die Demokratie [ When Machines Make Opinion. Journalism Crisis, Social Bots and the Attack on Democracy], 220-231. Westend.
  • Speck, D. (2017): Der Rockstar-Finanzminister [The rock star minister of finance]. In: European Journalism Observatory. URL

Paper presentations (peer-reviewed)

  • Speck, D (2024, confirmed). Transparency as an ordering force in PSB governance: Insights from a comparative study. 10th European Conmunication Conference (ECC), Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 24-27.
  • Speck, D. (2024). Innovation through transparency efforts? Stakeholders’ views on PSB politics of disclosure. RIPE@2024 Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May 16-18.
  • Coelho, J. F. G., & Speck, D. (2023): Regulated participatory mechanisms in Public Service Media: public complaints in different Media Accountability Instruments in Brazil and Germany. IAMCR 2023 Conference, Lyon, France, 9-13 July 2023.
  • Speck, D. (2022): Rethinking the impact of PSM transparency measures: From effects to politics of disclosure. ECREA 2022 conference, Aarhus, Denmark, October 19-22.
  • Ferreira Seridório, D., Speck, D., Pereira da Silva, S., & Rothberg, D. (2022): Between Conservation and Innovation: A comparative study on guidelines for PSM multiplatform journalism. RIPE@2022, Vienna, September 18-21.
  • Ferreira Seridório, D., & Speck, D. (2022): Self-regulation and independence in state-level public broadcasters in Brazil and in Germany. IAMHIST 2022 conference, Kiel, July 12-14.
  • Fengler, S., & Speck. D. (2022): Media Accountability: From Western Concept to Global Models. ICA 2022 Conference, Paris, France, May 28-31.
  • Speck, D. (2021): Enabling visibility: Online transparency practices of German PSM organizations. RIPE@2021 virtual conference, September 28 (awarded with the EBU Best Paper Award for Emerging Scholars)
  • Speck, D., & Fernandez Quijada, D. (2021): Trust – it’s complicated. The EBU Net Trust Index: an indicator to contextualize trust in media across Europe. IAMCR Annual Conference (virtual), July 11-15.
  • Fengler, S., Speck, D. & Eberwein, T. (2019): De-Westernizing Media Accountability Research. Annual Conference 2019 of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), July 7-11, Madrid.
  • Speck, D. (2018): Media Accountability in Transition: The Myanmar Press Council - A Challenged Media Accountability Instrument. IAMCR Annual Conference, June 20-24, Eugene, OR.

Invited talks & other presentations (selection)

  • Communication and Democracy in Germany. Lecture at the University of Brasília, September 6, 2023.
  • Public Media in Europe: Trends & Challenges. Lecture at the University of Brasília, September 5, 2023.
  • Trust in Public Service Media. EBU Media Intelligence Service Video Talk, October 21, 2022.
  • Transparency requirements for the supervisory bodies of public service media in Germany. Presentation at the AG DOK panel "Die ARD nach der sogenannten Krise im RBB". DOK.Leipzig Festival, October 18, 2022.
  • The Schlesinger case - A spotlight on (a lack of) PSM accountability in Germany. Invited talk in the panel "International panoramas on PSM" of the Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de la Comunicación (ALAIC) pre-conference "Defensorías/ouvidorias en un contexto comunicacional en transformación", online/Buenos Aires, September 22, 2022.
  •  No democracy without media: A research perspective. EBU Media Intelligence Service webinar, September 16, 2021.
  • Trust in Media 2020. EBU Media Intelligence Service webinar, May 14, 2020.
  • Presentation of the study "How transparent are public service media?" at the annual media policy conference of ver.di and DGB, Berlin, February 7, 2020.