Anna-Carina Zappe (M.A.)

Academic Researcher

Teaching and research focus

  • Foreign reporting: Africa reporting/migration reporting
  • Media ethics: emergency reporting and consequences
  • Seminar: Theory and practice of journ. Forms of presentation (news and narrative forms of presentation)
  • Seminar: Journalism in a Global Context (Africa/Migration Reporting)
  • Seminar: Practical Media Reporting in Russia
  • Introduction to scientific and journalistic ethics


  • September 2015 - December 2015 Erasmus Coordinator at the Institute for Journalism Studies, TU Dortmund University
  • October 2014 - July 2017 Editor of the German-language online edition of the European Journalism Observatory
  • 2014 Master of Arts at the Technical University in Dortmund at the Institute of Journalism, topic of the thesis: "Protagonists under the magnifying glass - The format development and realization of the young WDR business format Fair Pay - Why do you earn more than me in the context of parasocial viewer interaction"
  • Since 2014 Founder and managing director, television production FZ Filmwerkstatt in Dortmund
  • 2013 Award for the format "Fair Pay - Why do you earn more than me?" with 3rd place at the German Business Film Award in Category IV - Filmic portrayal of students or young professionals (young talent category)
  • 2013 Award for the format "Fair Pay - Why do you earn more than me?" with the journalism prize of the Volksbanken, Raiffeisenbanken, Spar- und Darlehnskassen in Rhineland and Westphalia
  • 2011 Bachelor of Arts at the Technical University in Dortmund at the Institute for Journalism Studies, minor in German Studies, topic of the thesis "Das waren Kriegsbilder" Journalisten und die Loveparade 2010: Belastungen, Ereignisverarbeitung, traumatische und berufliche Folgen"
  • 2003 - 2013 Freelance editor in various editorial offices; including WDR business editorial office in Cologne (brand check), WDR local time in Dortmund, magazine television editorial office WestCom Storyline in Dortmund, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, business editorial office, department: Career and Opportunity in Frankfurt, local editorial office of Westfalenpost in Sundern


  • Zappe, Anna-Carina / Frias, Paulo/ Lima, Helena (2024). Module 14 – Project Management. In: COPE. Covering Cohesion Policy in Europe. Training Materials for European Journalism Students. Susanne Fengler/Isabella Kurkowski/Richard Brandt/Juliane Niepert/Henrik Müller/ Christoph Schuck/Anna-Carina Zappe/Johanna Mack/Marcus Kreutler/Julia Lemke/Alice Pesavento/Brigitte Alfter/Rémi Almodt/Rareş Beuran/Paul Boca/Peters Bursens/Michał Chlebowski/Christos Frangonikolopoulos/Wouter Frateur/Paulo Frias/Kamil Glinka/Adriana Homolová/Ioanna Kostarella/Michał Kuś/Helena Lima/Cristina Nistor/Nikolaos Panagiotou/András Pethö/Hazel Sheffield/Ancuta Stavar/Alexandra Szilagyi/Adam Szynol/Carien Touwen/Andreas Veglis/David Walewijns. available online
  • Zappe, Anna-Carina / Fengler, Susanne / Kurkowski, Isabella/ Brandt, Richard (2024). Module 1: Introduction. In: COPE. Covering Cohesion Policy in Europe. Training Materials for European Journalism Students. Susanne Fengler/Isabella Kurkowski/Richard Brandt/Juliane Niepert/Henrik Müller/ Christoph Schuck/Anna-Carina Zappe/Johanna Mack/Marcus Kreutler/Julia Lemke/Alice Pesavento/Brigitte Alfter/Rémi Almodt/Rareş Beuran/Paul Boca/Peters Bursens/Michał Chlebowski/Christos Frangonikolopoulos/Wouter Frateur/Paulo Frias/Kamil Glinka/Adriana Homolová/Ioanna Kostarella/Michał Kuś/Helena Lima/Cristina Nistor/Nikolaos Panagiotou/András Pethö/Hazel Sheffield/Ancuta Stavar/Alexandra Szilagyi/Adam Szynol/Carien Touwen/Andreas Veglis/David Walewijns. available online
  • Zappe, Anna-Carina (2023). Digitales Lernen und Lehren als Chance für heterogene Lerngruppen. die hochschullehre, Jahrgang 9/2023, DOI: 10.3278/HSL2313W.
  • Fengler, Susanne, Lengauer, Monika, Zappe, Anna-Carina (2023). Introducing the new UNESCO handbook, Reporting on migrants and refugees. In: Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics. Vol. 20(1). S. 76-86 
  • Fengler, S., Speck, D., Kreutler, M., Lengauer, M., & Zappe, A.-C. (2022). Covering Migration. In T. Bettels-Schwabbauer, N. Leihs, G. Maksa, D. Speck, & A. Torbó (Hrsg.), New Skills for Journalists. Comparative Perspectives from Europe (S. 141-155). Erdélyi Múzeum Egyesület.
  • Fengler, Susanne, Lengauer, Monika, Zappe, Anna-Carina (2022).  What Is Best Practice in Media Reporting on Migration? In: Ronan, Patricia & Ziegler, Evelyn. Language and Identity in Migration Contexts. Peter Lang. S. 233-254 DOI: 10.3726/b17256 available online
  • Fengler, Susanne, Lengauer, Monika, Zappe, Anna-Carina (2021). Reporting on migrants and refugees: handbook for journalism educators. UNESCO. Online:
  • Fengler, Susanne / Bastian, Mariella / Brinkmann, Janis / Zappe, Anna-Carina / Tatah, Veye / Andindilile, Michael / Assefa, Emrakeb / Chibita, Monica / Mbaine, Adolf / Obonyo, Levi / Quashigah, Timothy / Skleparis, Dimitris / Splendore, Sergio / Tadesse, Mathewos / Lengauer, Monika (2020). Covering Migration — in Africa and Europe: Results from a Comparative Analysis of 11 Countries, Journalism Practice, available online
  • Zappe, Anna-Carina / Bastian, Mariella / Leißner, Laura / Henke, Jakob / Fengler, Susanne (2020). Perspektivwechsel. Migrationsberichterstattung in ausgewählten afrikanischen Ländern und Deutschland aus Migrant*innensicht. In: Gehrau, V., Waldherr, A. & Scholl, A. (Hrsg.) Integration durch Kommunikation. Jahrbuch der Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft 2019, Münster, S.131-140, available online
  • Fengler, Susanne/ Bastian, Mariella/ Brinkmann, Jannis/Zappe, Anna Carina (2018): Die „Flüchtlingskrise“: Ethische Herausforderungen für Medien in Europa und Afrika Migrationsberichterstattung in 11 afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern. In: Körberer, N., Prinzling, M. & Schröder, M. (Eds): Migration, Integration, Inklusion. Medienethische Herausforderungen und Potenziale für die digitale Mediengesellschaft. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 39-52
  • Fengler, Susanne/Zappe, Anna Carina/Behmer, Markus/Tatah, Veye (2016): Journalism in a Global Context - Perspektiven für Afrika und Herausforderungen für Europa. In: Global Media Journal German Edition Vol. 6 (1). 

Conference Presentations

  • Fengler, Susanne/Zappe, Anna-Carina/ Bastian, Mariella/ Henke, Jakob (2019, July): „ Perspektiven der Migrationsberichterstattung in Afrika und Europa “. Paper presented at the „Flucht, Migration und Integration in den Medien“ Conference, Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Zappe, Anna Carina/Bastian, Mariella/Fengler, Susanne/Henke, Jakob/Leißner, Laura (2019, May): „Perspektivwechsel. Migrationsberichterstattung in Afrika und Deutschland aus MigrantInnensicht“. Paper presented at the DGPuK Annual Conference. Münster, Germany.
  • Fengler, Susanne/Bastian, Mariella/Brinkmann, Janis/Zappe, Anna Carina (2017, February): „Die Flüchtlingskrise: Ethische Herausforderungen für Medien in Europa und Afrika – Migrations-Berichterstattung in elf afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern.“ Paper presented at the Annual Conference of “Netzwerk Medienethik” and DGPuK section for ethics in communication and media. Munich, Germany.
  • Fengler, Susanne/Bastian, Mariella/Brinkmann, Janis/Zappe, Anna Carina (2017, March): „Vom ‚Herzen der Finsternis’ ins ‚Gelobte Land’? – Migrations-Berichterstattung in elf afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern.“ Paper presented at the DGPuK Annual Conference. Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Fengler, Susanne/Bastian, Mariella/Brinkmann, Janis/Zappe, Anna Carina (2017, July): „How migration transforms communication and politics: New discourses in European and African media – a comparative study in 11 countries“. Annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in Cartagena, Colombia.

Guest lectures & invited talks

  • Zappe, Anna Carina (2019, February): „Migrations-Berichterstattung als ethische Herausforderung für Medien in Europa“. Invited talk at the Conference “Studientage der Politischen Bildung. Medien(kompetenz), Migration und Integration.“ at the Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing, Germany.
  • Zappe, Anna Carina (2017, June): “The European Journalism Observatory: Connecting media criticism across 11 countries”. Invited talk at the University of Brasília, Brazil.
  • Zappe, Anna Carina (2017, April): „‘Das waren Kriegsbilder.‘ Journalisten und die Loveparade 2010. Rollenkonflikte und Redaktionen“. Guest lectures at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany.


  • 2015 Will-Schaber Award for the Master thesis "Protagonisten unter der Lupe. Die Formatentwicklung und -Realisation des jungen WDR-Wirtschaftsformats ‚Fair Pay – warum verdienst du mehr als ich?‘ im Kontext der parasozialen Zuschauerinteraktion" (3rd)
  • 2013 Journalists' Award of the Volksbanken, Raiffeisenbanken, Spar- und Darlehnskassen in Rheinland und Westfalen for the television report „Fair Pay – Warum verdienst du mehr als ich?“
  • 2013 German Business Film Award for the television report „Fair Pay – Warum verdienst du mehr als ich?“ (3rd in catagory TV)
  • 2008 „Jugend schreibt“ Award from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung