Dr. Julia Lönnendonker
Senior Researcher
Curriculum Vitae
- since 7/2016: Research coordinator at the Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund University. Main tasks in the application for research projects and funding.
- 3/2016 - 7/2016: Researcher at the Erich Brost Institute for international journalism, TU Dortmund University. Main tasks in the management of research activities, the application for research projects and funding.
- 05/2014 - 01/2016: Researcher at the Institute of Journalism, Chair of Crossmedia Journalism, TU Dortmund University. Teaching and research in the field of quality in journalism and data journalism, application for research projects, e.g. application for the EU-project “Sports Oriented Creative industry – Data Analysis Tools and virtual reality-Applications in sports journalism” (Horizon 2020).
- 04/2004 - 09/2014: Researcher at the Erich Brost Institute for international journalism, TU Dortmund University. Main tasks in the management of research activities, the application for research projects and funding. Amongst others participation in the following projects:
- successful application and later overall coordination of the EU-funded international research project „Media Accountability and Transparency in Europe" (MediaAcT) (2010-2013, FP7) analyzing media accountability in eleven European and two Arabic countries,
- overall coordination of the EU-funded international research project of partners from eleven countries „Adequate Information Management in Europe“ (AIM) (2004-2007, FP6) dealing with the coverage of the EU and the development of a European public sphere,
- collaboration in an international research project on reporting about the Russian-Georgian war in 2008,
- overall coordination of the research project on „German foreign correspondents“ (2007-2008), supervision of the theses that originated from the project, editor of the resulting publication,
- coordination of TransCoop project „Transatlantic News Cultures: Reporting the US in Europe and Europe in the US“, funded by the Humboldt Foundation (2004-2005). - 04/2005 - 06/2009: Researcher, Institute of Journalism, Chair of International Journalism,TU Dortmund University. Teaching and research in the field of international journalism. Responsible for the Erasmus exchange program and the international relations of the institute.
- 2002 - 2004: Junior PR Consultant Pressebüro Hoffmann, Bonn. Main tasks in health, medical and pharmaceutical communication.
- 2002 – 2003: Freelancer at the Bonn office of the German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa).
- 7/2016: Dr. phil. (PhD) in Journalism at the Faculty of Culture Studies at TU Dortmund University. Thesis on „The discursive construction of European identity in the German press coverage of the possible accession of Turkey to the EEC/EC/EU” (translated from German).
- 2000 - 2001: Master of Arts „Print and Online Journalism“ at Emerson College, Boston, USA.
- 1996 – 2004: Graduate Diploma in Geography, Universities RWTH Aachen Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms University Bonn. Minor subjects: Political Science and Media Studies.
Research interests
International and European journalism, comparative research, foreign correspondence, European identity and public sphere.
Peer-reviewed journals
- Hahn, Oliver & Lönnendonker, Julia (2009): Transatlantic Foreign Reporting and Foreign Correspondents After 9/11: Trends in Reporting Europe in the United States. In: The International Journal of Press & Politics, 14, 497- 515.
- Cornia, Alessio, Julia, Lönnendonker, Nitz, Pia (2008): European Councils as First Encounters of Trans-European Media Communication? In: Journalism, Vol 9, No 4, 491-513.
- Fengler, Susanne et al. (2015): How effective is media self-regulation? Results from a comparative survey of European journalists. In: European Journal of Communication, Vol. 30 (3), 249-266.
- Oliver Hahn, Julia Lönnendonker, Roland Schröder (2008): Deutsche Auslandskorrespondenten – Ein Handbuch. Konstanz: UVK-Verlag.
Book contributions
- Oliver Hahn, Julia Lönnendonker und Roland Schröder (2015): Journalismus als sprachkulturelle Leistung. In: Löffelholz, Martin & Rothenberger, Liane: Handbuch Journalismustheorien. Springer Verlag.
- Susanne Fengler, Tobias Eberwein, Tanja Leppik-Bork, Julia Lönnendonker und Judith Pies (2014): Introduction: Media Accountability - Basic Concepts and Theoretical Foundations. In: Susanne Fengler/Tobias Eberwein/Gianpietro Mazzoleni/Colin Porlezza/Stephan Ruß-Mohl (Hrsg.): Journalists and Media Accountability. An International Study of News People in the Digital Age. New York etc.: Peter Lang, 7-30.
- Susanne Fengler, Tobias Eberwein, Julia Lönnendonker und Laura Schneider-Mombaur (2014): Journalists, journalism ethics and media accountability: A comparative survey of 14 European and Arab countries. In: Wendy N. Wyatt (Hrsg.): The Ethics of Journalism: Individual, Cultural and Institutional Influences. London: IB Tauris, 85-105.
- Heimeier, Katharina & Lönnendonker, Julia (2014): Unabdingbar für die Forschung. Wie Journalistik-Studenten das Institut für Zeitungsforschung nutzen. In: Peter, Karen, Bartelt-Kircher, Gabriele & Schröder, Anita (Hrsg.): Zeitungen und andere Drucksachen. Die Bestände des Dortmunder Instituts für Zeitungsforschung als Quelle und Gegenstand der Forschung. Mit Kurzbiographien von 205 emigrierten Journalistinnen und Journalisten (1933-1945). Festschrift für Gabriele Toepser-Ziegert. Essen: Klartext.
- Tobias Eberwein, Tanja Leppik-Bork und Julia Lönnendonker (2013): Participatory Media Regulation: International Perspectives on the Structural Deficits of Media Self-Regulation and the Potentials of Web-Based Accountability Processes. In: Manuel Puppis/Matthias Künzler/Otfried Jarren (Hrsg.): Media Structures and Media Performance. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2013, 135-158.
- Susanne Fengler, Tobias Eberwein, Tanja Leppik-Bork, Julia Lönnendonker & Judith Pies (2011): Medieninnovationen – neue Chancen für die Medienselbstkontrolle? Erste Ergebnisse einer international vergleichenden Studie. In: Jens, Wolling (Hrsg.): Medieninnovationen. Wie Medienentwicklungen die Kommunikation in der Gesellschaft verändern, Bd. 38 Konstanz: UVK, 159-176.
- Beliveau, Ralph & Lönnendonker, Julia (2011): Foreign Correspondents and Ethnography: Research Practices, Methods, and Texts. In: Gross, Peter & Kopper, Gerd (Hrsg.): Understanding Foreign Correspondence. A Euro-American Handbook of Concepts, Methodologies, and Theories. New York. Peter Lang.
- Hahn, Oliver, Julia Lönnendonker, Roland Schröder (2008): Überblick über den Band. In: Oliver Hahn, Julia Lönnendonker, Roland Schröder (Hrsg.): Deutsche Auslandskorrespondenten – Ein Handbuch. Konstanz: UVK-Verlag, 11-16.
- Oliver Hahn, Julia Lönnendonker, Nicole Scherschun (2008): Forschungsstand – Deutsche Auslandskorrespondenten und -korrespondenz. In: Oliver Hahn, Julia Lönnendonker, Roland Schröder (Hrsg.): Deutsche Auslandskorrespondenten – Ein Handbuch. Konstanz: UVK-Verlag, pp. 19-43.
- Julia Lönnendonker & Oliver Hahn (2008): Der Einfluss von Nachrichtenplätzen und Berichterstattungsgebieten auf die Arbeit von Auslandskorrespondenten. In: Oliver Hahn, Julia Lönnendonker, Roland Schröder (Hrsg.): Deutsche Auslandskorrespondenten – Ein Handbuch. Konstanz: UVK-Verlag, pp. 496-513.
- Hahn, Oliver, Lönnendonker, Julia, Rosenwerth, Karen K. & Schröder, Roland (2006): Comparability and Comparativity of Journalism Cultures in Europe: The Eye Opener Effect. In: Bohrmann, Hans, Klaus, Elisabeth & Machill, Marcel (Hrsg.): Media Industry, Journalism Culture and Communication Policies in Europe. Festschrift für Gerd G. Kopper zum 65. Geburtstag. Berlin: Vistas Verlag, 83-106.
- Pia Nitz, Sonja Stamm, Julia Lönnendonker (2006): Arbeitstätigkeit von deutschen und US-Korrespondenten. Kopper, Gerd G. (Hrsg.): How are you Mr. President? Nachrichtenarbeit, Berufswirklichkeit und Produktionsmanagement an Korrespondentenplätzen deutscher Medien in den USA. Arbeitsbuch für Medienpraxis und Forschung. Informationskultur in Europa, Bd. 5. Berlin: Vistas-Verlag, 93-108.
Non-peer-reviewed journals
- Julia Lönnendonker & Sehl, Annika (2010): Deutsche Presse sieht Russland als Sündenbock. In: Journalistik Journal, 1, 38-39.
- Julia Lönnendonker (2008): Die große Unbekannte. Journalisten wissen nur wenig über die EU. In: Journalistik Journal, 2.
Other research publications
- Leppik, Tanja, Lönnendonker, Julia et al (2007): The Case of Germany. In: Understanding the Logic of EU Reporting from Brussels: Analysis of interviews with EU correspondents and spokespersons. Working paper AIM project. Bochum: project verlag.
- Heikki Heikkilä et al (2007): Comparing the Logic of EU Reporting: Transnational analysis of EU correspondence from Brussels. Working Paper AIM project. Bochum: project Verlag.
- Balcytiene, Aukse, Leppik, Tanja, Lönnendonker, Julia (2007): Introduction. In: AIM Research Consortium (ed.): Reporting and Managing European News. Final Report of the Project “Adequate Information Management in Europe”, 2004-2007, Bochum: project verlag, pp. 11-24.
- Leppik, Tanja, Lönnendonker, Julia, Nitz, Pia, Hahn, Oliver, Schröder, Roland (2007): The Case of Germany. In: Understanding the Logic of EU reporting from Brussels: Analysis of interviews with EU correspondents and spokespersons. Working paper AIM project. Bochum: project verlag.
- Hahn, Oliver, Leppik, Tanja, Lönnendonker, Julia (2006): The Case of Germany. In: Understanding the Media's Logic in EU Reporting: EU media coverage and interviews with newsroom journalists from ten European countries. Working paper AIM project. Bochum: project verlag.
- Lönnendonker, Julia, Nitz, Pia, Stamm, Sonja (2006): Transatlantic Reporting: Work Routines and Self Perceptions of US- and German Foreign Correspondents. Arbeitsheft Internationaler Journalismus. Bochum: project verlag.
- Rosenwerth, Karen, Hahn, Oliver, Schröder, Roland, Lönnendonker, Julia (2005): The Case of Germany. State-of-the-art report AIM project. Available online at: www.aim-project.net/uploads/media/Germany.pdf
Conference contributions (selection)
- Lönnendonker, Julia (2012): Zweckbündnis oder Wertegemeinschaft? Konstruktionen europäischer Identität im Zeitverlauf. Vortrag auf dem integrierten Doktorandenworkshop der DGPuK Fachgruppe für Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 22. November 2012, Dortmund.
- Hahn, Oliver & Lönnendonker, Julia (2010): Foreign Correspondents as Context Translators between Cultures: Interdisciplinary Theory Model of Journalistic Transfer and Translational Equivalency. Paper presented at the bi-annual conference of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) conference, October 15, 2010, Bremen.
- Eberwein, Tobias, Leppik-Bork, Tanja, Lönnendonker, Julia (2010): MAS unlimited? Identifying the key actors of European media self-regulation. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Netzwerk Internationale und Interkulturelle Kommunikation (NIIK), October 12, 2010, Bremen.
- Eberwein, Tobias, Leppik-Bork, Tanja, Lönnendonker, Julia (2010): Innovations in Media Accountability and Transparency: First Findings of a Comparative International Study. Paper presented at the annual International Media and Communication (IAMCR) conference, July, 20, 2010, Braga, Portugal.
- Eberwein, Tobias, Leppik-Bork, Tanja, Lönnendonker, Julia, Fengler, Susanne & Pies, Judith (2010): Medieninnovationen – Neue Chance für die Medienselbstkontrolle? Erste Ergebnisse einer international vergleichenden Studie. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), May 12-14, 2010, Ilmenau.
- Lönnendonker, Julia (2009): Möglichkeiten der Gestaltung und Entwicklung der Informationskanäle : Einflüsse auf die Entstehung von Auslandsberichterstattung am Beispiel des russisch-georgischen Kriegs. Deutsch-armenisch-aserbaidschanisch-georgischen Medienquadrilog, organisiert vom Auswärtiges Amt, Referat 622 – bilaterale Kultur- und Medienbeziehungen mit Russland, GUS und Zentralasien, 25. – 27. Mai 2009, Berlin.
- Lönnendonker, Julia & Sehl, Annika (2009): How online comments enlarge diversity of opinion. The case of the Caucasus conflict. Paper presented at the international conference “Journalism Research in the Public Interest”, November 19-21, 2009, Winterthur, Schweiz.
- Lönnendonker, Julia & Sehl, Annika (2009): Online Comments as a Chance for Greater Diversity in Foreign Coverage. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Media and Communication Association (IAMCR), May 21-25, 2009, Mexico City, Mexiko.
- Lönnendonker, Julia & Sehl, Annika (2009): The Case of Germany. Paper presented at the workshop “The Conflict in Caucasus in the News”, March 13-15, 2009, Department of Communication at Helsinki University.
- Lönnendonker, Julia (2008): The “new” foreign correspondent: How German foreign correspondents adapt to the challenges of today’s foreign reporting. Paper presented at the conference: ECREA Communication Policies and Cultures in Europe, November 25-28, 2008, Barcelona.
- Hahn, Oliver & Lönnendonker, Julia (2008): Auslandskorrespondenten als Kontextvermittler zwischen den Kulturen – Interdisziplinäres Theoriemodell journalistischen Transfers und translatorischer Äquivalenz. Paper presented at the conference: Zwischen Babel und „Earth City“, October 31, 2008, TU Ilmenau.
- Lönnendonker, Julia & Hahn, Oliver (2007): Transatlantische Auslandsberichterstattung nach dem 11. September: Trends in der Europaberichterstattung von US-Medien. Paper presented at the conference: Interkulturelle und internationale Kommunikation in Kultur, Medien, Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, October 18-20, 2007, Auswärtiges Amt Berlin.
- Lönnendonker, Julia & Cornia, Alessio (2007): European Council summits as first encounters of a common European journalism culture and as integrative 'media events'? Paper presented at the conference: Interkulturelle und internationale Kommunikation in Kultur, Medien, Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, October 18-20, 2007, Auswärtiges Amt Berlin.
- Oliver Hahn, Gerd G. Kopper & Julia Lönnendonker (2006): Implications of news management on journalism cultures and European politics. Paper presented at the conference: ICA Dresden Conference, June 19 – 23, 2006, Dresden.
- Oliver, Hahn & Lönnendonker, Julia (2006): Transatlantic Foreign Correspondence and Foreign Correspondents after 9/11: Trends in Reporting Europe in the USA. Paper presented at the conference: ICA Dresden Conference, June 19 – 23, 2006, Dresden.
- Hahn, Oliver & Lönnendonker, Julia (2005): The Case of Germany. Paper presented at the conference: Europe’s America: The Image of the U.S. in Europe, February 7-8, 2005, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.
- Hahn, Oliver & Lönnendonker, Julia (2005): Transatlantic Foreign Correspondence and Foreign Correspondents after 9/11: Trends in Reporting Europe in the USA. Paper presented at the conference: Journalism after September 11: A Challenge for Journalism. September 24-25, Danish School of Journalism, Aarhus, Denmark