Monika Lengauer (M.A.)
A member of the Africa team at the Erich-Brost-Institute for International Journalism, Technical University Dortmund, Monika Lengauer contributes as a senior research fellow. Here, she also pursues her PhD on Journalism Education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). She is a lecturer in global journalism with a focus on MENA, sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
A political scientist by training, a journalist by profession, her expertise is based on over thirty years of communication and development work, including the establishment of journalism programmes in Jordan and Myanmar, and political communication in German government and international organizations, residing in Germany, India, Iraq, Armenia, China, Jordan, Nepal, Myanmar and West Africa. She is currently commuting between her base in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, and the EBI in Dortmund, Germany.
Research interest
- Global journalism and global journalism education with a focus on the Arab region, Africa, Asia.
- Journalism education and journalistic practice on covering migration and forced displacement in countries of origin, transit, destination, voluntary return, and in host communities.
- Theory of the professions reflected in global journalism and global journalism education.
- Media accountability in the Arab region.
- PhD candidate, Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund University. Advisor: Prof. Susanne Fengler (current).
- Master of Arts (M.A.) in Political Science, Communications, German Language and Literature, University of Münster, Münster, Germany. Advisor: Prof. Gerhard Wittkämper (1985).
Professional Background (selected positions):
- Senior Research Fellow, Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany (2015-current).
- Project Coordinator to establish the Myanmar Journalism Institute, in Yangon, Myanmar (2014) for an international consortium (CFI Media Development, France; DW Akademie, Germany; Fojo Media Institute, Sweden; Forever Group, Myanmar; French Embassy in Myanmar; International Media Support (ims), Denmark).
- Liaison Officer of Her Royal Highness Princess Rym Ali to the Jordan Media Institute, JMI, and Acting Director-General of the JMI, establishing a Journalism School with a master’s programme on journalism in the Arab World, based in Amman, Jordan (2007-2009).
- Communications Consultant UNESCO Iraq, based in Amman, Jordan (2006-2007).
- Consultancies for UNICEF Middle East and North Africa, based in Amman, Jordan (2004-2005).
- Chief Representative of the German State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia to the P.R. China, based in Nanjing, China (2000-2002).
- International Geographical Observer with the United Nations Department for Peace Keeping Operations (DPKO), based in Baghdad, Iraq (1997-1999).
- Head of the Department for Press and Public Relations and Spokesperson of the Minister, Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research of the German State of North Rhine-Westphalia, based in Dusseldorf, Germany (1990-1997; seconded until 01 January 2025).
- Political Editor / Journalist at Neue Rhein / Neue Ruhr Zeitung, based in Essen, Germany (1987-1990).
- Fengler, S., & Lengauer, M. (forthcoming). Migration and forced displacement: Transnational phenomena challenging journalism research and education. In S. Şahin (Ed.), Insights on journalism and human rights (pp. #-#). Routledge.
- Lengauer, M. (2024): Covering migration and forced displacement - ethical challenges for journalism education in the Arab world. Ethical Space 24(2), 65-82.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M., & Zappe, A.-C. (2023). Introducing the new UNESCO handbook: Reporting on migrants and refugees. Ethical Space 20(1), 76-85.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M., & Zappe, A.-C. (2022). What is best practice in media reporting on migration? In P. Ronan & E. Ziegler (Eds.), Language and identity in migration contexts (pp. 233–253). Peter Lang.
- Fengler, S., Speck, D., Kreutler, M., Lengauer, M., Zappe, A.-C. (2022): Covering migration. In: T. Schwabbauer-Bettels, N. Leihs, G. Maksa, D. Speck, & A. Torbó (Eds.), New skills for journalists. Comparative perspectives from Europe (pp. 141-155). Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M., & Zappe, A.-C. (Eds.). (2021). Reporting on migrants and refugees. Handbook for journalism educators. UNESCO.
- Fengler, S. & Lengauer, M. (2021). Matters of migrants and refugees: Challenges of the 21st century. In S. Fengler, M. Lengauer & A.-C. Zappe (Eds.), Handbook for journalism educators: Reporting on migrants and refugees (pp. 11-28). UNESCO.
- Lengauer, M. (2021). Key sources, key facts, key terms and numbers. In S. Fengler, M. Lengauer & A.-C. Zappe (Eds.), Handbook for journalism educators: Reporting on migrants and refugees (pp. 29-52). UNESCO.
- Lengauer, M. & Fengler, S. (2021). Context factors for migration and forced displacement. In S. Fengler, M. Lengauer & A.-C. Zappe (Eds.), Reporting on migrants and refugees: Handbook for journalism educators (pp. 53-96). UNESCO.
- Lengauer, M. (2021). Case study: Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). In S. Fengler, M. Lengauer & A.-C. Zappe (Eds.), Handbook for journalism educators: Reporting on migrants and refugees (pp. 135-154). UNESCO.
- Lengauer, M. & Mack, J. (2021). Case study: Cameroon (Central Africa). In S. Fengler, M. Lengauer & A.-C. Zappe, Handbook for journalism educators: Reporting on migrants and refugees (pp. 155-174). UNESCO.
- Lengauer, M. & Mack, J. (2021). Case study: Germany (West Europe). In S. Fengler, M. Lengauer & A.-C. Zappe (Eds.), Handbook for journalism educators: Reporting on migrants and refugees (pp. 175-196). UNESCO.
- Lengauer, M. (2021). African movements: From the continent, within the continent, within countries. In S. Fengler, M. Lengauer & A.-C. Zappe, Handbook for journalism educators: Reporting on migrants and refugees (pp. 197-222). UNESCO.
- Fengler, S., & Lengauer, M. (Eds.). (2021). Media accountability in the Arab World. [Special Issue]. Journal of Middle East Media (JMEM), 16.
- Lengauer, M. (2021). Media accountability in MENA through the perspective of the theory of the professions. Journal of Middle East Media (JMEM) 16, 39-89.
- Fengler, S., Kurkowski, I., & Lengauer, M. (Eds.) (2021). Media accountability in the MENA region. Pilot Study. Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University.
- Lengauer, M. (2021). Introduction. In S. Fengler, I. Kurkowski, & M. Lengauer. Media accountability in the MENA region. Pilot Study (pp. 12-17). Erich Brost Institut for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University.
- Fengler, S. & Lengauer, M. (Eds.) (2021). Reporting on media, migration and forced displacement: Global perspectives. Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University.
- Lengauer, M. (2021). Reporting from the Middle East and the Arab Gulf region. In S. Fengler & M. Lengauer (Eds.) (2021). Reporting on media, migration and forced displacement: Global perspectives (pp. 3-6). Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism.
- Fengler, S., Bastian, M., Brinkmann, J., Zappe, A.-C., Tatah, V., Andindilile, M., Assefa, E., Chibita, M., Mbaine, A., Obonyo, L., Quashigah, T., Skleparis, D., Splendore, S., Tadesse, M., & Lengauer, M. (2021). Covering migration - in Africa and Europe. Results from a comparative analysis of 11 countries. Journalism Practice 16(1), 140-160.
- Lengauer, M. (2019): Academic journalism education in the Arab World. A long journey towards the ideal curriculum. In B. Dernbach & B. Illig (Eds.), Journalism and journalism education in developing countries (pp. 191–201). Manipal Universal Press.
Teaching & Lectures
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M. & Speck, D. (2024, April 4-5). Traum von Europa? Die geteilte Insel und die Folgen europäischer Politik [Dream of Europe? Cyprus, the divided island and the consequences of European policies]. Core course for master students of journalism. Institute of International Journalism, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany.
- Fengler, S., & Lengauer, M. (winter term 2023-2024). Wissenschaftliche und journalistische Ethik: Vertiefung [Advanced scientific and media ethics]. With scholars from Jordan, Brazil, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Poland, Russia; Lengauer, M. on the Arab World (in persons), and Israel (online). Core course for bachelor students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Fengler, S., & Lengauer, M. (winter term 2022-2023). Wissenschaftliche und journalistische Ethik: Vertiefung [Advanced scientific and media ethics]. With academic and expert resource persons from Jordan, Brazil (in person), and Mexico (online). Core course for bachelor students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Lengauer, M. (2022, May 31). UNESCO Handbook for journalism educators: One-stop-shopping for knowledge- and know how-based education and reporting on migration and forced displacement (online). Seminar for journalism students, Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, and Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Germany. “European migration policy in a magnifying glass”. University of Zagreb, Journalism and Media Production Department, Faculty of Political Science, Zagreb.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M., & Kurkowski, (2022, May 6-7). Europäische Migrationspolitik im Brennglas: Studienreise von Journalistikstudierenden nach Kroatien, Serbien und Bosnien und Herzegowina. [Migration policy under the magnifying glass: Research trip to Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina]. Core course for master students of journalism. Institute of International Journalism, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M., & Kurkowski, I. (winter term 2021-2022). Wissenschaftliche und journalistische Ethik: Vertiefung [Advanced scientific and media ethics]. With academic and expert resource persons presenting on media accountability in Afghanistan, Latin America, Bosnia-Herzegowina (in persons) and Russia, UK, Egypt (online). Core course for bachelor students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Fengler, S., & Lengauer, M. (winter term 2020-2021). Wissenschaftliche und journalistische Ethik: Vertiefung [Advanced scientific and media ethics]. With academic and expert resource persons presenting on media accountability in North Africa (in persons), and the Middle East (online). Core course for bachelor students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Bettels-Schwabbauer, T., Zappe, A.-C., Lengauer, M. (2020, summer term). Corona, Migration, Klimawandel - Kollaborativer Journalismus als Chance und Herausforderung (Covid-19, migration, climate change - Collaborative journalism: Opportunity and challenge). Core course for bachelor students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Germany.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M., Zappe, A.-C. (2019-2020 winter term). Media and Migration. Core course for bachelor students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
The course incorporated the participatory artwork Add Color (Refugee Boat) by the international renown fluxus artist Yoko Ono. Yoko Ono’s curator and fluxus artist Jon Hendricks curated the exhibition and visited the seminar for a session with the students. - Fengler, S., Lengauer, M. &, Zappe, A.-C. (2019 summer term). Media and Migration. Core course for bachelor students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M., & Kreutler, M. (2018, November 5-6: Seminar; November 24-December 3: Research trip to Athens, Chios, Lesbos). Griechenland und die Fluechtlingskrise [Greece and the refugee crisis]. Teaching and chairing international research trip for journalism students to Greece. Core course for master students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Fengler, S., & Lengauer, M. (2017, November 10 and 17: Seminar; December 4-15: Research trip). The media in transformation countries: Jordan. Teaching and chairing international research trip for journalism students to Jordan. Core course for master students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Lengauer, M. (winter term 2016-2017). Professionalisierung im Journalismus: Schlüssel zu mehr Qualität in der internationalen Berichterstattung? [Journalistic professionalization: Key to more quality in international reporting?] Guest lecture in the core course on Foreign Reporting for bachelor students of journalism, chair Prof. Susanne Fengler, Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M. (2016, July 21-22). Media in transition: Myanmar. Core course for master students of journalism. Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
- Lengauer, M. (2016, January 19). Akademische Journalisten-Ausbildung in der arabischen Welt: Auf dem Weg zur Professionalität? [Academic journalism education in the Arab World: En route to professionalism?] Guest lecture, chair Prof. Thomas Hanitzsch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), München, Germany.
- Lengauer, M. (2015, December 10). Akademische Journalisten-Ausbildung in der arabischen Welt: Krieg und Frieden [Academic journalism education in the Arab World: War and peace]. Guest lecture in the lecture of Dr. Nina Springer, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München, Germany.
- Lengauer, M. (2015, June 17). Journalisten-Ausbildung in der Arabischen Welt: Auf dem Weg zur Professionalität? [Academic journalism education in the Arab World: En route to professionalism?] Guest lecture in the core course “Journalism Cultures” for bachelor students, chair Prof. Susanne Fengler, Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany.
Conferences: Paper presentations, panel organizations, panel moderations
- Lengauer, M. (2022, October 14). How Jordan’s academic journalism education reflects the challenges of reporting on refugees in the fake news era. 26th Arab-U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE; 2022, October 12-15) “Journalism in fake news era”.
- Fengler, S., & Lengauer M. (2022, October 13). Media accountability in the Arab World [Panel organization]. 26th Arab-U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE, October 12-15) “Journalism in fake news era”.
- Fengler, S., & Lengauer, M. (2022, September 13). Neue E-Learning Plattform „Medien-Migration-Integration“ [New e-learning platform Media-Migration-Integration]. Tag der digitalen Lehre. TU Dortmund.
- Lengauer, M. (2022, June 30). Aspiration and limitation: Academic journalism education between the ideal and the real. WJEC online conference “Reimagining journalism education in the age of change”.
- Lengauer, M. (2022, June 21-22). UNESCO Handbook for journalism educators: A valuable resource for journalistic practitioners, and students, too. Global Migration Media Academy (GMMA) “Summer School”, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland, ;
- Lengauer (2022, May 03). Reporting on migrants and refugees. How to develop a story, using the Handbook for Journalism Educators: Reporting on migrants and refugees (online). EJTA conference “Invisible Cities”, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Lengauer, M. (2022, April 22). EJTAlk 6 Covering migration in the times of war on Ukraine. [Panel organization]. Online
- Lengauer, M. (2021, October 2). The pandemic(s), migration and climate change: Journalism curricula are key to trustworthy reporting. Arab-U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE), symposium (online) “Teaching how to report a pandemic”.
- Lengauer, M. (2019, July 08-09). Ethical challenges for teaching and undertaking new forms of journalism [Panel moderation]. World Journalism Educators Congress, (WJEC), “Teaching journalism during a disruptive age”. Paris, France.
- Lengauer, M. (2019, October 17). United in ignorance? Migration and media coverage across continents. [Panel moderation]. European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) Teachers’ Conference 2019 “Journalism in a global context - Connecting Africa and Europe in journalism education”, Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany (October 17-18, 2019).
- Lengauer, M. (2019, October 24-27). Academic journalism education in the Arab World. 24th Arab U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE)
- Conference “Galaxy of social networks”, King Fahd School of Translation, Tangier, Morocco.
- Lengauer, M. (2017, October, 21-24). The impact of technological change on Arab journalism education. 22nd Arab U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE) “Journalism and mass communication in the age of instant information”, American University in Cairo (AUC), Cairo, Egypt.
- Lengauer, M. (2015, October 24-26). Arab journalism education - A new entry point into a sociological theory? 20th Arab U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE) conference “Global trends and prospects in mass communication”, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
- Lengauer, M. (2014, October 26-28). Ethics as a corner stone in the journalistic profession: The theory of the professions revisited. 19th Arab U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE) conference “Digital communication in the time of disclosure”, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.
- Lengauer, M. (2013, November 11-15). Journalistic professionalism through academic education - the Jordanian perspective. 18th Arab U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE) conference “New horizons of communication in a time of crisis”, King Fahd School of Translation, Tangier, Morocco.
- Lengauer, M. (2013, July 3-5). Academic Journalism Education in selected Arab Countries - Towards a home-grown Arab Professionalism? 3rd World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC) “Renewing journalism through education”, Mechelen, Belgium.
Workshops, conferences, talks, articles (non-peer reviewed)
- Lengauer, M. (2023, February 4). Professionalism in the Middle East and North Africa. Samir Kassir Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon, & Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany, workshop „Media management and information spread“, Beirut, Lebanon.
- Fengler, S. and Lengauer, M. (2023, February 2-3). The fourth estate - journalism and politics in Germany. Workshop [organisation and moderation] for Jordanian media decision makers, Amman, Jordan.
- Lengauer, M. (2023, February 3). Journalism education and media professionalism - A cross border perspective. Conference “The fourth estate - Journalism and Politics in Germany”, Amman, Jordan.
- Fengler, S., Lengauer, M., & Louati, F. (2022, November 18-19). Workshop [organisation and moderation] Media accountability - Academic curriculum development in Libya, Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia.
- Lengauer, M. (2022, November 09). Introducing the unabridged Arabic version of the UNESCO Handbook for Journalism educators: Reporting on migrants and refugees. International launch at the Jordan Media Institute, Amman, Jordan.
- Lengauer, M. (2022, October 02). An ombudsman? To what effect? The Iraqi example. Workshop Introduction to the concept of ombudsmen as an instrument of media accountability. Erbil, Iraq (2022, October 02-03).
- Lengauer, M. (2022, June 20-22). The new UNESCO handbook: Reporting on migrants and refugees. IOM Global Migration Media Academy (GMMA) “Summer School”, Galway, Ireland. ;
- Drefs, I., Kreutler, M., Kurkowski, I., Lengauer, M., Speck, D., Zappe, A.-C. (2022). Medienverantwortung weltweit erforschen und gestalten. In Aufmacher. TU Dortmund University, Institute for Journalism (pp 12-14).
- Fengler, S., Kurkowski, I., & Lengauer, M. (2021, February 23-24). Media Accountability in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA; four online conferences for Arab journalists and journalism associations; Arab media NGOs; Arab media publishers; Arab media educators).
- Bettels-Schwabbauer, T., Lengauer, M., Speck, D., Zappe, A.-C. (summer term 2020). Mit E-Learning Grenzen überwinden: Gleich zwei Projekte am EBI helfen dabei, mit digitalen Ansätzen die Ausbildung in der Migrations- und Auslandsberichterstattung weiterzuentwickeln. In Aufmacher. TU Dortmund University, Institute for Journalism (pp. 14-16).
- Fengler, S., Zappe, A.-C., Lengauer, M. (2019, September 9-14). Journalism in a global context – Challenge migration. Summer School for African journalists. Rabat, Morocco.
- Fengler, S., Zappe, A.-C., Lengauer, M., Wuellner, G. (2018, March 11-17). Journalism in a global context – Challenge migration. Spring School for African and European journalists. Dakar, Senegal. ;
Training, Training MOOCs, lectures (non-peer reviewed)
- Kurkowski, I., Lengauer, M., Louati, F., Nedjaa, A., Protze, M., & Wauthier Y. (2023, March 18-19): Conference & Coaching-Workshop "Best practices and new mechanisms of media accountability in the MENA Region". Tunis, Tunisia.
- Lengauer (2022, February 04). Professionalism in MENA. Workshop “Media management and information spread” for Lebanese journalists, Samir Kassir Foundation & Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, Beirut, Lebanon.
- Lengauer, M. (2022). Migrationstheorien und Erklärungsmuster: Mehr als Push- und Pullfaktoren [Migration theories and explanatory frameworks beyond push and pull factors; MOOC in German]. In Mediendienst Integration, Erich Brost Institut für Internationalen Journalismus, TU Dortmund. Medien, Migration, Integration. Onlinekurse für die Einwanderungsgesellschaft.
- Lengauer, M. (2022). Internationale Migration, Teil 1: Herkunfts-, Transit- und Zielländer (International migration, part 1: Countries of origin, transit and destination) [MOOC in German]. In Mediendienst Integration, Erich Brost Institut für Internationalen Journalismus, TU Dortmund. Medien, Migration, Integration. Onlinekurse für die Einwanderungsgesellschaft.
- Lengauer, M. (2022). Internationale Migration, Teil 2: Migrationsrouten und Länderstudie Guinea-Bissau (International migration, part 2: Transit corridor and country case study Guinea-Bissau) [MOOC in German]. In Mediendienst Integration, Erich Brost Institut für Internationalen Journalismus, TU Dortmund. Medien, Migration, Integration. Onlinekurse für die Einwanderungsgesellschaft.
- Lengauer, M. (2019): Covering migration, forced displacement and statelessness. Training of Bissau-Guinean journalists in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau in cooperation with the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS).
Jury member
- Lengauer, M. (2023, June 06). Member of the Jury of the European Commission “Samir Kassir Award for the Freedom of the Press”. Beirut, Lebanon.
- Member of selection committee (2021, November). TU Dortmund University, Teaching Award.
- Excellence in Research Award (2016). Research paper “Academic journalism education in the Arab World. Arab-U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE), Tangier, Morocco.
Other activities
- Advising on Bachelor of Arts graduate work (second assessments);
- Acquired, organized and implemented the participatory artwork Add Color (Refugee Boat) by the international renown fluxus artist Yoko Ono. She accepted to exhibit her artwork on the occasion of the annual conference of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) in Dortmund, Germany (2019, October, 17 through 2020, January 12). The exhibit was planned to be an integral part of teaching journalism students on covering migration and forced displacement at the Institute of Journalism, TU Dortmund University. Fluxus artist and curator Jon Hendricks set up the exhibit with students’ support, and he interacted with students in a class on covering migration and forced displacement. After the finissage, the exhibit was scheduled to be analyzed in a seminar at the Institute of Journalism at TU Dortmund University, contextualizing the experiences on the nexus of art, global comparisons of freedom of expression, and coverage of migration and forced displacement. The plans were severed due to the Covid-19 lockdown in early 2020.
- Arab U.S. Association for Communication Educators (AUSACE)