Dipl. Journalist Marcus Kreutler
Research Focus
Foreign Reporting, International and Transnational Communication.
- Kreutler, Marcus et al. (2022): Migration Coverage in Europe, Russia and the United States.
A comparative Analysis of Coverage in 17 countries (2015-2018). In: Central European Journal of Communication 15(2), pp. 202-226. Also published online. - Rodríguez-Pérez, Carlos / Jivkova-Semova, Dimitrina / Vara, Eva Pérez / Asadi, Nastaran / Kreutler, Marcus (2022): Unravelling migration media coverage: How migrants and immigration were portrayed in Spain during the refugee crisis (2015-2018). In: Historia y Comunicación Social 27(1), pp. 161-173. Also published online.
- Fengler, Susanne / Speck, Dominik / Kreutler, Marcus / Lengauer, Monika / Zappe, Anna-Carina (2022): Covering Migration. In: Bettels-Schwabbauer, Tina / Leihs, Nadia / Maksa, Gyula / Speck, Dominik / Torbó, Annamária (eds.): New Skills for Journalists. Comparative Perspectives from Europe. Cluj-Napoca: Erdélyi Múzeum-Egyesület, pp. 141-155.
- Kreutler, Marcus / Maier, Scott / Diop, Layire / Miller, Kaitlin / Ravisankar, Rajeev (2021): How Media in the US Cover Migrants and Refugees. In: Fengler, Susanne / Lengauer, Monika (eds.): Reporting on Media, Migration and Forced Displacement: Global Perspectives. Dortmund: Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, Online Ressource to the UNESCO Handbook on Reporting on Migrants and Refugees.
- Fengler, Susanne / Kreutler, Marcus (2020): How do the European media cover migration? European Journalism Observatory, published online.
- Fengler, Susanne / Kreutler, Marcus (2020): Migration Coverage in Europe's Media. A Comparative Analysis of Coverage in 17 Countries. OBS Working Paper 39. Available online (English and German versions).
- Fengler, Susanne / Kreutler, Marcus et al. (2018): The Ukraine Conflict and the European Media: A comparative study of newspapers in 13 European Countries. In: Journalism 21(3), pp. 399-422. Also published online.
- Fengler, Susanne / Bettels, Tina / Kreutler, Marcus (2016): Kein Sinn fürs Europäische. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), February 27, p. 11. Also available online.
- Kreutler, Marcus / Fengler, Susanne (2014): Das Afrikabild aus journalistischer Perspektive - Ergebnisse einer Inhaltsanalyse deutscher Zeitungen im Frühjahr 2013. In: Tatah, Veye (Ed.): Afrika 3.0. Mediale Abbilder und Zerrbilder eines Kontinents im Wandel, pp. 55-64. Berlin: Lit.
- Kreutler, Marcus (2010): Codes of Ethics in Europa. Ist ein gemeinsamer Kodex möglich? In: Pöttker, Horst / Schwarzenegger, Christian (Eds.): Europäische Öffentlichkeit und journalistische Verantwortung, pp. 380-395. Köln: Herbert von Halem.
- Kreutler, Marcus (2008): Journalistische Ethik - oder Ethiken? Eine Untersuchung europäischer Medienkodizes. Journalistik Journal, 11 (2), pp. 20-21.