Media Accountability in Libya

“Academic Curriculum Development of Media Accountability in Libya": Workshop for members of University of Tripoli, Faculty of Media and Arts

Within the variety of the by the Federal German Foreign Office in 2022 supported activities in the MENA Region in cooperation with the Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism in Germany as implementor, the development and pioneering of an Arab curriculum of Media Accountability at the Faculty of Media and Arts at the University of Tripoli in Libya is an important step for the overall region and its standards in future academic journalism education. The workshop was facilitated by the NGO MENA Media Monitoring, based in Tunisia.

The workshop “Academic Curriculum Development of Media Accountability in Libya" was conducted from 18-19 November 2022, Sidi Bou Said in Tunisia for members of the University of Tripoli, Faculty of Media and Arts. In two days of intense discussions oriented towards a curriculum development and its implementation, the curriculum experts from Germany and researchers from Libya concluded that a curriculum development on Media Accountability is worth to be taken forward. The workshop participants agreed to advance the proposition of a curriculum on Media Accountability and its instruments in Libya at the Faculty of Media and Art at the University of Tripoli.

Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler:
Monika Lengauer:
Fatma Louati: