Media and Transparency – a Global Perspective

With the MediaAcT project, a network consisting of twelve different partners across Europe analyzed self-regulation and transparency in European media. The project resulted in "The European Handbook of Media Accountability", which was published by Routledge in 2017.

The next aim of the MediaAcT network is to examine media accountability worldwide. The first steps towards this aim were made during the conference "Media and Transparency - a Global Perspective", which was held in Berlin in June 2018. The conference was organized by Susanne Fengler (Erich Brost Institute for International Journalism, TU Dortmund University), Matthias Karmasin and Tobias Eberwein (Austrian Academy of Sciences).

Presentations of the Asian, African and South American guest speakers can be revisited in weekly released videos below:

Herman Wasserman: An African Perspective on Media Accountability

Clement Y.K. So: Media Accountability in the Context of Hong Kong

Tim P. Vos: Accountability in the USA

Ceren Sözeri (Turkey): Sacrificing Journalism for Continuity of Power

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