Global Handbook of Media Accountability published

A publication co-edited by the Erich Brost Institute (EBI) has been published by the renowned Routledge publishing house: The 600-page "The Global Handbook of Media Accountability", edited by EBI director Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler together with Prof. Dr. Matthias Karmasin and Dr. Tobias Eberwein of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

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Erich Brost In­sti­tute Sets Course for Media Policy in Poland

At the end of January, the Erich Brost In­sti­tute for International Journalism (EBI) of TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity or­ga­nized a dialogue workshop with a number of Polish media stakeholders in Warsaw, at which representatives of leading Polish media, the largest Polish and in­ter­na­tio­nal journalists’ associations, local publishing associations, and in­sti­tu­ti­ons engaged in media policy discussed together. The aim was to build bridges between these stakeholders and work towards establishing an independent press council at national level.

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